Top - C&C California, skirt - H&M, purse - LuLus.com, shoes - Madewell via Ebay
I wore this on Monday, if you want proof for how far behind I am on posting. It was hot - 90F. In April. And I'm entirely okay with that. And of course, such heat requires more simplicity in dressing, so I wore just a tshirt and cotton skirt.

This weekend is probably the most exciting weekend on campus as of yet - there was a carnival yesterday involving stuff-your-own animals, cotton candy, snow cones, and an inflatable obstacle course in which my friend and I ended up stuck. And today there's a free concert - indoors, unfortunately, due to forecasted rain - featuring a relatively well-known band! With free food.
It's so nice to be able to breathe for the weekend...
xox Catherine
Cute and casual! That t-shirt is really cool. A carnival AND a free concert this weekend? Awesome! Sounds like a lot of fun.