Jacket - Urban Outfitters, jumper - H&M, cuff - antique, skirt - Lulu's via Beso.com, socks - Target, shoes - Marais USA
Winter here in Philly hasn't been so wintry - in fact, the end of February was quite mild, hence no pants again. Not to be redundant, but I'm so excited for warmer weather, frolicking, picnicking and whatever else.
I don't know why I don't wear this skirt more often. It's pleated, comfortable, and goes with everything. And in case it isn't evident, I'm quite fond of these shoes I purchased from Modcloth a few months ago. London definitely influenced my preferences in footwear...

I wore this last Monday to classes and such. I haven't really much to write about other than that I've been keeping busy with school, work, absurd amounts of naps, putting together transfer applications, etc.

Hope all is well!
xox Catherine
Currently listening to: Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys

Lovely combination of blacks in different textures, I especially love the skirt and shoes. I also couldn't be more thrilled by our lack of winter weather, seeing as I despise being cold! And best of luck with your transfer applications!
Also, Fluorescent Adolescent is one of my favorite songs, a wonderful example of Alex Turner's mastery of words
LOVE the skirt... the pleats are very flattering
Very cool outfit! I really love your leather jacket and those adorable shoes. The combination of all the black pieces in this outfit is really cool.