Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You say goodbye, and I say hello.

Silhouette Girl style blog fashion hippies inspiration
Silhouette Girl style blog fashion hippies inspiration
Silhouette Girl style blog fashion hippies inspiration
Silhouette Girl style blog fashion hippies inspiration
Silhouette Girl style blog fashion hippies inspiration

Though I don't feel partial to 1960's style and the hippie aesthetic, I'm buying into it. And by buying in, I mean sitting at my computer looking at lovely photos while wishing I was in a huge field (with daisies) while dressed in a white flowy dress.

It just feels relevant - we've made it to the counterculture of the 60's in history class, and this week hosts a holiday (or two, depending on who you ask) devoted to the Earth, though celebrating it makes people tree hugging hippies. But there's nothing wrong with that.

Images via Weheartit

1 comment:

  1. I love these photos! I've always loved the carefree nature of the 60s/70s and it's really reflected here :]


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