Sunday, February 8, 2009


I hate Sundays, but I woke up and once I realized it was really nice out I went outside to spray paint my bookshelf I've been meaning to paint forever. I also have begun to alter a few clothes I've been meaning to for... ever, and I'm basically half way finished a plain black stretchy mid-waist skirt, I'm hoping it'll be like AA's interlock miniskirt, but I wouldn't know because I haven't seen it in person. I swear, nice weather turns me into a completely different person (not lazy).

I'm hoping I'll get to some outfit posts this week, but I've been a bum and haven't bothered getting changed today, so here's my favorite spread ever that reminds me of spring (from Cosmogirl, April 2007 [shocking]):

And I'm pretty sure the name of this spread (Cactus Flower) makes me want to live in a desert.

1 comment:

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment my blog, it always puts a smile on my face!